Firefighters Charitable Foundation

Take a Moment to Read Our Newsletter Right Here Online!
The Firefighters Charitable Foundation (FFCF) is committed to assisting victims of fire and disaster. We feel that you share our concerns and enthusiasm towards making a difference in their lives.
Please take a moment to look at our newsletter to stay up to date on our outreach programs, grant opportunities, and touching stories about how FFCF makes a difference. If you do not already have a copy of Adobe Reader, the software needed to look at our newsletter, simply click on the website link at the end of this line and download it for free. You will find it helpful in reading other web documents as well: Download Adobe Reader
Once you have selected an FFCF Newsletter page (PDF file), it will appear in color on your screen. You can also print it out on an 8 1/2" x 11" blank sheet of paper. When you are done viewing the document, click on the X in the upper right hand corner of the viewing frame to close it.
Or, if you wish instead to have the newsletter mailed to you, click here. Fill out the request form, then click on the "Send" button.
If you do NOT wish to recieve our newsletter or be contacted again by the Firefighters Charitable Foundation please fill out our Removal Request and request that you be removed from our contact database and mailing list; or notify us by telephone at 516-249-0332.
You MUST provide a valid contact telephohne number in order for our staff to comply with your request. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for our computer systems to be updated and the removal request completed. Contact FFCF directly for availability of back issue copies of the newsletter not listed here on the website.